Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My post-apocalyptic costume so far

For anyone who followed along on my post-apoc costume previously, I will consolidate the progress here and post new photos as well.

To catch everyone up who hadn't been following along, basically I saw an amazing panel at Dragon*Con this year with Kenneth Reising where he described the process involved with making a post-apoc costume. I had always loved costuming stuff, but never knew how to get into it. This panel really inspired me to get something going, either for Halloween this year, or next year's Dragon*Con.

I scavenged Goodwill, other thrift stores and local flea markets for parts and pieces for my new costume. Ironically, much of the costume has come from junk I had in my garage or basement, as well.

What's that? You want to see pictures? Sure thing!

1 comment:

  1. That looks pretty cool. What about a picture of you all dressed up, ready to kick some mutant ass? haha
